22k Gold Market Rate – 1g – Rs 7130| 22k Gold Kumaran Rate – 1g – Rs 7130| Silver – 1g – Rs100

One Time Payment (OTP)
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One Time Payment (OTP)

This is a One-time payment scheme, so customer can join at any time for any value of amount.
Once the payment is made the amount paid will be converted to gold weight by usingthe market rate prevailing at the time of payment.
Main benefit of the scheme is within a short span of just 9 months customer can purchase any gold jewelry for the gold weight available in the scheme without anywastage or making charges.
Only GST will be paid by the customer.
Customer must complete 9 months to avail the no wastage no making charges benefit if they want to purchase jewelry before 9 months then they will not get that benefit.
At any point of time no cash refunds allowed.

Example illustration of the scheme

If the customer joins this scheme for the amount of Rs.100000/- then schedule will be as follows
Amount Paid Gold Market Rate Gold Accumulated
100000 6645 15.049 grams
So if the customer joins the scheme on jan 1st 2024 then on oct 1st 2024 the scheme matures and they can purchase any gold jewelry for the weight of 15.049 grams without any wastage and making charges. Only gst of Rs. 3000 will be paid by the customer